Melissa Palfrey
Over the years, the McDonough Foundation has impacted the lives of thousands of animals served by the Dubuque Regional Humane Society. The James B. & Melita A. McDonough Foundation Feline Adoption Mall includes a high-tech ventilation system and spacious accommodations to…
Diane Ramsey
The McDonough Foundation made it possible for the Iowa Women Lead Change (IWLC) to bring to Dubuque a nationally known keynote speaker who motivated, engaged, and empowered more than 300 women at our inaugural IWLC Dubuque Conference. The McDonough Foundation's…
Loras College
The James B. and Melita A. McDonough Foundation funding was critical in making possible the renovation of historic Keane Hall -- the new home to the Center for Business Analytics. The Foundation also supported the installation of technology for classrooms…
Kari Lammer
The Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) is so grateful for the support of the McDonough Foundation. Several projects have been funded through the Foundation, including the Childhood Immunization Program and the VNA Closet, which provides free basic necessities such as diapers…